Soul Collage®

Soul CollageOriginated by Seena Frost, SoulCollage® is an intuitive, expressive art process in which you construct a card deck that becomes a visual story of your soul’s journey. As you start to learn the language of the symbols and images on your cards, they become a doorway into your strengths, your beauty, your multiplicity and your inner wisdom.

Discovering Your Inner Wisdom

Accessing Jung’s Red Book with Soul Collage


Working with the Archetypes in Jung’s Red Book

a free tele-class recording with Marilyn Montgomery
SoulCollage® Facilitator in California

Download for the free tele-class recording.
Here is an Introduction to the Archetypes (PDF).

In 1913, while at the height of his career, Carl Jung started to experience a midlife crisis which opened him to a powerful exploration of his intuitive life through painting, poetry and dialoguing with his imagination. He documented his soul’s journey in The Red Book, the results of which eventually became the foundations of Depth Psychology.

He says, “The years… when I pursued the inner images, were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this.”

In Marilyn’s own work with the SoulCollage® process, working with the Council Suit in particular, as these archetypes appeared, she discovered a realm of support and guidance that has been life-changing. In particular, in these changing times, the mythic power of these images can provide us with new insights, inner strength, and now possibilities for inner transformation.

This teleclass is an introduction on how to work with the material in The Red Book. Marilyn ​focuses on some of the main archetypes that emerged in Jung’s journey of the soul, using a guided meditation and some examples of learning to dialogue with them.

Working with card making and journalling, Marilyn introduces gentle healing ways to work with the profound material in the Red Book.

Soul Collage & Grief Work










Soul Collage & Finding Your Inner Children
